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Great places to go near Church Doubting Thomas in June (updated 2024)

Things to do near Church Doubting Thomas

1. Kremlin Park

Kremlin Park
Opening hours: Opens at 6:00-23:59
Distance: 48.91km
Address: Ulitsa Meretskova-Volosova, 4, Veliky Novgorod, Novgorodskaya oblast', Russia, 173001

2. Vitoslavlitsy Museum

What travelers say:
乖小咪: "Novgorod Museum of Architecture is a museum of architecture built with full pine wood, where you will see many of the various architectural shapes built with pine wood from all over the world, they are completely made of local pine wood, There is no bit of steel or cement, it is really special and unique, it is worth visiting."
Vitoslavlitsy Museum
Opening hours: Open tomorrow at 10:00-17:00
Distance: 47.87km
Recommended sightseeing time:2-3 hour
Address: Yur'yevskoye Shosse, 14, Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russia, 173007

3. Monument Millennium of Russia

What travelers say:
乖小咪: "The Millennium Russian Monument of Novgorod is a very majestic and symbolic monument, and many people are carved overlays on this monument, all of them famous generals or historical figures in the history of the millennium in Russia. Thus, it shows the civilization and strong national strength of Russia for thousands of years, and it is a symbol of the Russian fighting national spirit."
Monument Millennium of Russia
Distance: 48.77km
Recommended sightseeing time:0.5-2 hour
Address: Territoriya Kreml', 4, Veliky Novgorod, Novgorodskaya oblast', Russia, 173000

4. Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

What travelers say:
乖小咪: "The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Novgorod is a typical Orthodox church, the whole church is composed of five round vaults, the middle one is golden yellow, the other is blue, very gorgeous, and the exterior wall of the church is snow white, which is very solemn and sacred. There are also beautiful murals inside the church, which is worth a visit."
Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod
Opening hours: Open tomorrow at 8:00-20:00
Distance: 48.73km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-1.5 hour
Address: Territoriya Kreml', 11, Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russia, 173007
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