1963, that was the year that was - exclusive author event | Brown Books at 33@77

1963, that was the year that was - exclusive author event | Brown Books at 33@77

Dec 7, 2023 (UTC+0)
Brown Books at 33@77


Andrew Cook will be hosting an exclusive author event to discuss his book, "1963, that was the year that was." This event will take place on Thursday, 7 December at 7pm at Brown Books in Luton. "1963, that was the year that was" is a captivating compilation of significant stories and pivotal events from 1963. This includes iconic moments in popular culture, politics, and history such as The Beatles' first No 1, Martin Luther King's powerful "I Have a Dream" speech, the Great Train Robbery, and the Profumo Affair. It also delves into the chilling crimes committed by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, the groundbreaking achievement of Valentina Tereshkova as the first woman in space, and the international phenomenon of James Bond. During the event, Andrew will provide insights into his meticulous research process and engage in a reading and discussion. Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase a copy of the book and have it signed, making it an ideal Christmas gift. This event is free, but due to limited space, it is essential to reserve one ticket per person. Please arrive promptly to secure your place at this exclusive author event.

Provided by Madysen|Published Mar 25, 2024


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