9D Journey " The human soul blue print " week 5 | The Shambala Healing Tree

9D Journey " The human soul blue print " week 5 | The Shambala Healing Tree

Mar 3, 2024 (UTC+10)
The Shambala Healing Tree


Embark on an enlightening 9D Journey through the intricate depths of the human blueprint, where astonishing revelations await at every corner. The Human Blueprint Series presents an extraordinary in-person weekly event at The Shambala Healing Tree in Ocean Grove. Prepare yourself for a life-changing expedition that will unlock the secrets of the human soul blueprint. This transformative series is specifically crafted to help individuals explore their innate healing abilities and establish a profound connection with their inner selves. Through a range of immersive experiences, workshops, and interactive sessions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of themselves and learn how to unleash their true purpose in life. Each Sunday, over a 10-week period, attendees will delve into the multiple layers of their inner selves, embarking on an immersive Journey through their subconscious mind. By doing so, they will release any internal barriers and clear the energy pathways within the five main sheaths of their energy bodies: the physical body, the astral body, the mental/emotional body, the conscious body, and the bliss body. These sheaths store profound memories from past lives and ancestral lineages, which can impact our subtle energetic bodies until they are released. Through the practice of 9D breath-work, participants actively confront these barriers with intention, allowing for release and transformation. This process involves exploring and observing each area from within the subconscious mind, ultimately rewiring thought pathways and enhancing emotional regulation in the real world. Each session will last approximately 2.5 hours, focusing on a new topic of intention and providing an opportunity for participants to venture deeper into their being and unlock their inner power. Don't miss out on this remarkable event at The Shambala Healing Tree in Ocean Grove on March 3, 2024, and secure your ticket for $43.66.

Provided by Manacca|Published Mar 25, 2024


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