A Mystery Dinner Theater ~The Altos | Loyal Order of Moose, 499 Reimer Street, New Kensington, PA, USA

A Mystery Dinner Theater ~The Altos | Loyal Order of Moose, 499 Reimer Street, New Kensington, PA, USA

Nov 4, 2023 (UTC-5)
Loyal Order of Moose, 499 Reimer Street, New Kensington, PA, USA


Experience a night filled with intrigue and suspense at the highly anticipated A Mystery Dinner Theater ~The Altos. Taking place on November 4th, 2023 at 6pm, this event promises to captivate and entertain guests with its thrilling storyline. Prepare to be immersed in a world of mystery, laughter, and delectable cuisine at the Loyal Order of Moose, located in the vibrant city of New Kensington, PA. Transport yourself into an interactive musical comedy mystery spoof that pays homage to the renowned HBO series. Meet the Altos, the family that inspired it all. As you attend Tony's funeral (or is it?), his enigmatic wife Toffee extends an invitation to the wake. Chris, the family member with a penchant for excitement, requests that any weapons be checked at the door (though he has extras if needed!). Uncle Senior adds an element of risk with his rigged dice game, while Tony's Ma adds a touch of eccentricity to the occasion. Tony's shrink, Dr. Malaise, is offering complimentary analysis, and the Father's actions remain shrouded in mystery. Curiously, few mourn Tony's demise, and the atmosphere quickly shifts when he is unexpectedly discovered alive. Brace yourself to dodge bullets, revel in comedic songs, and put your detective skills to the test as you unravel the puzzle of who put a contract out on Tony. Don't miss out on this unforgettable evening. Secure your tickets today for only $45 and be part of the A Mystery Dinner Theater ~The Altos experience.

Provided by Theodora|Published Nov 6, 2023


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