A&H Intergenerational discovery with pop-up playground | Palm Beach Parklands

A&H Intergenerational discovery with pop-up playground | Palm Beach Parklands

Jan 11, 2024 (UTC+10)
Palm Beach Parklands


Step into a world of fresh air, laughter, and endless hours of family fun at the A&H Intergenerational Discovery with Pop-Up Playground. This delightful and engaging event brings together different generations in Palm Beach Parklands, Palm Beach, offering a unique experience that sparks creativity, fosters exploration, and ignites imaginations. Experience the beauty of our parks while enjoying playtime at your own pace. The event features unstructured entertainment and playful activities for people of all ages. From stilts and juggling sticks to duck fishing and classic retro games, there's something for everyone to enjoy. This free event is designed to create enduring memories for both families and individuals. Mark your calendars for January 11, 2024, and get ready to join in on the intergenerational fun. Tickets will go on sale on December 28, 2023, at 9:00 am. Don't miss out on this opportunity to partake in the A&H Intergenerational Discovery with Pop-Up Playground at Palm Beach Parklands. For more information about this event and other free and low-cost experiences offered by the City of Gold Coast Active & Healthy holiday program, visit their website and download the Active & Healthy Holiday program. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of fun and excitement at the A&H Intergenerational Discovery with Pop-Up Playground.

Provided by Mardi|Published Mar 25, 2024


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