Animated Art Route - Animation Workshop #2 | Granton Castle Walled Garden

Animated Art Route - Animation Workshop #2 | Granton Castle Walled Garden

Mar 3, 2024 (UTC+0)
Granton Castle Walled Garden


Discover the second installment of the Animated Art Route - Animation Workshop taking place at Granton Castle Walled Garden in Edinburgh. This workshop, scheduled for March 3, 2024, provides a unique opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in outdoor animation. Through active participation, individuals can engage in the creative process, contribute ideas, and gain hands-on experience in the art of animation. The project, backed by Sustrans through the Artroots fund, focuses on crafting wooden panel animations. Each panel serves as a distinct frame of a larger animation, forming a captivating loop when combined. The aim of the workshop is to involve the local community in shaping the final animated work. Participants will delve into the project's details, share their input, and explore the animation process firsthand. For inquiries or further information, contact Take part in this enriching experience at Granton Castle Walled Garden and witness the magic of outdoor animation come to life. Admission to this event is free for all interested individuals.

Provided by Rossanna|Published Mar 25, 2024


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