Artist Talk with October's AiR: Michele Del Campo | Bailey Contemporary Arts Center

Artist Talk with October's AiR: Michele Del Campo | Bailey Contemporary Arts Center

Oct 21, 2023 (UTC-5)
Bailey Contemporary Arts Center


Join October's Artist in Residence, Michele Del Campo, for an insightful and engaging Artist Talk at the Bailey Contemporary Arts Center in Pompano Beach, FL. On October 21, Michele will guide attendees through his artistic journey, providing a captivating glimpse into his world of inspiration and creativity. As a distinguished artist, Michele will share the intricate details behind his artwork, shedding light on the influences and sources that ignite his passion. This Artist Talk is a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Michele Del Campo's artistic process and witness the evolution of his craft. Don't miss this chance to connect with Michele and explore the profound depths of his artistic expression. Admission to this event is free, ensuring that everyone can participate in this enlightening experience. Mark your calendar for this extraordinary Artist Talk with October's AiR: Michele Del Campo, and venture into the mesmerizing realm of artistry.

Provided by Cristy|Published Oct 24, 2023


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