Book Launch: Exteriors - Annie Ernaux & Photography | Reference Point

Book Launch: Exteriors - Annie Ernaux & Photography | Reference Point

Apr 11, 2024 (UTC+0)
Reference Point


Don't miss the exclusive event in London, where Lou Stoppard, Lauren Elkin, and Alice Blackhurst will host a captivating discussion, accompanied by striking visuals and sounds, to mark the release of "Exteriors — Annie Ernaux and Photography." This event will delve into the intricate connection between photography and the literary works of Annie Ernaux, the esteemed Nobel Prize winner. By exploring excerpts from Ernaux's book "Exteriors" and showcasing photographs from the Maison Européenne de la Photographie collection, the event aims to reveal how words and images can intertwine to create a profound narrative. Renowned British writer and curator Lou Stoppard, along with author Lauren Elkin and critic Alice Blackhurst, will provide valuable insights into Ernaux's unique approach to portraying reality through the lens of a photographer. This event offers a fresh perspective on the intersection of literature and photography, shedding light on common themes such as class, travel, and individual identity in the modern urban landscape. Admission is free, so mark your calendar for April 11, 2024, at Reference Point, 2 Arundel Street, London, WC2R 3DA.

Provided by Gayatri016|Published Apr 12, 2024


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