CFA Conversation: Alex Callender and Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw (Boston) | John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute

CFA Conversation: Alex Callender and Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw (Boston) | John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute

Oct 4, 2023 (UTC-5)
John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute


Join the CFA Conversation on October 4, 2023, featuring renowned artists Alex Callender and Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw. This thought-provoking event will take place at the John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. Callender, an Assistant Professor of Art at Smith College, explores the intersections of myth, colonial legacies, and material culture through her captivating studio practice. Her work incorporates painting, drawing, and installation, using visual forms of historical narrative and repurposed archival imagery. Through her art, she raises important questions about race, borders, environmental instability, and hybridized landscapes. Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw, a distinguished Professor in the Department of the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania, will also be speaking at the event. With a focus on portraiture and issues of representation, Shaw examines the construction of race, class, gender, and sexuality in the United States. Her expertise in these areas has led her to serve on the faculty of Harvard University and as the Director of Research, Publications, and Scholarly Programs at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with these brilliant minds in the art world. The event is co-sponsored by Northeastern University's Africana Studies Program, and admission is free. Mark your calendars for an evening of stimulating conversation and insights into the world of art and culture.

Provided by PaetynPaetyn|Published Oct 5, 2023


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