DXG #6: Thinking with Improvisation Critically | Cooper Gallery

DXG #6: Thinking with Improvisation Critically | Cooper Gallery

Dec 7, 2023 (UTC+0)
Cooper Gallery


The Otolith Group, an award-winning artist led collective founded by Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun in 2002, will be performing at the upcoming event DXG #6: Thinking with Improvisation Critically. This experimental music/sound performance aims to delve into the concept of improvisation within the realm of culture and its association with Blackness. The workshop is part of The Ignorant Art School Sit-in Curriculum #3, organized in collaboration with the Department of Xenogenesis. The Otolith Group's works, including moving image, audio works, performances, and installations, are known for their exploration of diasporic futurisms, temporal anomalies, anthropic inversions, and synthetic alienation. They have also been influential in introducing the works of artists like Chris Marker, Harun Farocki, and Anand Patwardhan in various locations worldwide. The performance will take place at Cooper Gallery in Dundee, Scotland, from October 13 to December 16. This event is part of The Ignorant Art School, which is supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland. Admission to the event is free.

Provided by _Moonshot|Published Mar 25, 2024


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