Eurydike - how to (dis)appear | Brotfabrik

Eurydike - how to (dis)appear | Brotfabrik

Mar 21, 2024 (UTC+1)


Witness a unique and captivating performance, "Eurydike - how to (dis)appear," where the timeless music of Christoph Willibald Gluck merges with the ancient myth of Orpheus and Eurydike. Dive into the depths of the underworld and explore its haunting mysteries. What lies beyond this realm? Is it a rugged expanse of forgotten memories or a sanctuary adorned with lush greenery, providing comfort and solace? Within the tranquility of her abode, Eurydike has found solace, enveloped in a stillness that is only interrupted by the echoes of her own thoughts. Cut off from the outside world, she longs for connection and respite from the incessant thoughts that plague her. However, time seems to stand still, as if no one notices Eurydike's existence. Yet, amidst the silence, a bridge emerges – the power of music. It transports her back to the past, offering glimpses of a better future. In this remarkable production, "Eurydike - how to (dis)appear," the talented team from the Hanns Eisler University of Music and Theatre in Berlin merges the contemporary experiences of isolation and loneliness with Gluck's mesmerizing compositions, breathing new life into the ancient myth of Orpheus and Eurydike. Join us on March 21, 2024, at the Brotfabrik as we embark on a collective journey of encounter and discovery. Immerse yourself in this extraordinary performance and experience the profound connection between music, myth, and the human experience. Tickets are available from 11,15 € - 16,35 €.

Provided by Hande|Published Mar 25, 2024


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