"FUSION" Atlanta Black Creatives Networking Mixer | Zinah Artistic Retail Boutique Gallery & Studio

"FUSION" Atlanta Black Creatives Networking Mixer | Zinah Artistic Retail Boutique Gallery & Studio

Nov 10, 2023 (UTC-5)
Zinah Artistic Retail Boutique Gallery & Studio


Join the monthly networking mixer, "FUSION" Atlanta Black Creatives Networking Mixer, held at Zinah Artistic Retail Boutique Gallery & Studio in ATLANTA. This event welcomes all local artists, creative entrepreneurs, and influencers to come together and showcase their incredible talent. Taking place every second Friday evening from 7-9pm, this recurring gathering is an opportunity for creatives of color to connect, collaborate, and build something extraordinary. Whether you're searching for a new business partner, an investor, or simply seeking inspiration, the Fusion networking mixer is the perfect platform to meet like-minded individuals. Expect a vibrant atmosphere filled with refreshing drinks, catchy tunes, stylish fashion, and positive vibes. Remember to bring your business cards, innovative ideas, and an open mind as we fuse our collective creativity to create something truly magical. Although the ticket price for the event has been cancelled, the Fusion networking mixer promises an invaluable experience where you can nurture meaningful connections with fellow creatives. So mark your calendars for November 10, 2023, and get ready to immerse yourself in an evening of limitless possibilities.

Provided by Jaspreet|Published Mar 25, 2024


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