Georgia's Occasional Book Club: "The Creative Act" by Rick Rubin | Bookstore1Sarasota

Georgia's Occasional Book Club: "The Creative Act" by Rick Rubin | Bookstore1Sarasota

Apr 18, 2024 (UTC-5)


Store owner Georgia Court is the leader of the esteemed Georgia's Occasional Book Club, where individuals can indulge in the best non-fiction selections on a sporadic basis. This month, the chosen book is "The Creative Act: A Way of Being" by the legendary music producer, Rick Rubin. Renowned for his ability to help people tap into their creative essence, Rubin's book encourages readers to explore their own wellsprings of creativity. The book club gathering will take place at Bookstore1Sarasota, located at 117 S. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota. Admission to the book club is priced at $32, which includes a copy of "The Creative Act" to be collected from Bookstore1 at any time before the meeting. Rubin's book delves into the essence of being an artist and emphasizes the importance of one's relationship with the world, rather than focusing solely on the specific output. With his extensive experience and expertise, Rubin guides readers on a transformative journey towards enhanced creativity and self-discovery. With his nine GRAMMY Awards and recognition as one of Time's 100 most influential people, Rubin's status as the most successful producer across genres, according to Rolling Stone, is unquestionable. If you are unable to attend the event after registering, please inform the organizers as soon as possible to allow those on the waitlist the opportunity to participate. To contact the organizers, kindly send an email to For more information, visit the Bookstore1Sarasota website.

Provided by DarbieTrinity|Published Apr 19, 2024


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