Handmade Books for Christmas | MAKE Southwest

Handmade Books for Christmas | MAKE Southwest

Dec 8, 2023 (UTC+0)
MAKE Southwest


Discover the art of bookbinding techniques as you create one-of-a-kind handmade Christmas presents at the Handmade Books for Christmas workshop in Bovey Tracey. Delight your loved ones with unique handmade books, carefully crafted using a variety of exquisite materials such as handmade and patterned papers, linen threads, and ribbons. Led by the talented Megan Stallworthy of Celandine Books, participants will have the opportunity to learn bookbinding skills and create three different types of books, including charming miniature books that can be hung on the tree. All the necessary tools and materials will be provided, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. Not only will attendees leave with their handmade books, but they will also receive a set of comprehensive workshop notes and the knowledge required to continue making books at home. Throughout the day, tea, coffee, and biscuits will be available to keep you refreshed and energized. Please note that lunch is not included in the ticket fee, so make sure to bring a packed lunch. Upon arrival, follow the instructions to access the venue through the side gate of the Riverside Mill. If you require the lift, please inform us in advance. Please be aware that the Co-op car park is not suitable for all-day parking. However, the Methodist Church car park and Station Road car park generally have ample spaces available. Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to unleash your creativity and create unforgettable handmade gifts this Christmas season.

Provided by Genny|Published Mar 25, 2024


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