If These Walls Could Talk | Ulster University

If These Walls Could Talk | Ulster University

Mar 20, 2024 (UTC+0)
Ulster University


The upcoming event, "If These Walls Could Talk," taking place in Belfast at Ulster University on March 20, 2024, aims to explore the transformative potential of murals as active sites for social change. Dr. Struan Kennedy, an expert in muralism and its cultural significance in Northern Ireland, will present his findings from his recent PhD project. The traditional murals in the region often glorify militarized and masculine themes, leaving little room for diverse perspectives. Dr. Kennedy proposes a new approach, suggesting that murals can serve as safe spaces for the exchange of ideas and foster connections with the local community. By involving consenting participants in the mural creation process, these sites can become activated, sparking political, educational, and cultural discussions. The event will feature a panel of experts who will analyze real-life case studies to provide concrete examples of how this theory can be applied. These case studies will explore various topics, including intersectional feminism, trade unionism, multiculturalism, masculinity, philosophy and faith, and marginalized voices. The event aims to inspire confidence among stakeholders and the general public, encouraging collective brainstorming and exploring the transformative power of art and activism. Admission to the event is free, and all are welcome to join and contribute to the discussion on utilizing murals as a communication network for positive and progressive change in Northern Ireland.

Provided by OlgaCastiel|Published Mar 25, 2024


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