It's Not You, It's Me | Leeds Art Gallery

It's Not You, It's Me | Leeds Art Gallery

Apr 27, 2024 (UTC+0)
Leeds Art Gallery


The upcoming event, "It's Not You, It's Me," will delve into personal experiences and common mistakes made during the selection process for art exhibitions. The aim is to foster a more personable art world, where individuals can navigate rejection and setbacks without feeling disheartened. Many artists face a barrage of "no's" that can be overwhelming, leading some to abandon their creative pursuits altogether. The event seeks to address this issue by empowering creatives to reclaim their place in the art world and combat imposter syndrome. Curators will share insights into their selection process and shed light on the fact that a rejection does not necessarily reflect the quality of the work. Participants will have the opportunity to break into small groups, exchange ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations to drive change in the industry. The event is part of the "Let Us See You" project, a year-long initiative that provides curatorial support, artist development, and exhibition opportunities for artists based in Leeds. Supported by Leeds Inspired, a division of Leeds City Council, the project aims to make the curation and selection process more accessible and artist-centered. "Let Us See You" will culminate in a series of exhibitions across Leeds at prominent partner venues. The event will be held at Leeds Art Gallery on April 27, 2024, and admission is free.

Provided by Trissa|Published Apr 28, 2024


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