LUX: Extraordinary Objects from Exceptional Philadelphia Designers | Commonweal Gallery

LUX: Extraordinary Objects from Exceptional Philadelphia Designers | Commonweal Gallery

Nov 10, 2023 (UTC-5)
Commonweal Gallery


LUX: Extraordinary Objects from Exceptional Philadelphia Designers is an exhibition that brings together prominent artists and studios from Philadelphia's design community. Hosted by Commonweal Gallery in Philadelphia, this event showcases cutting-edge visual language and innovative approaches to materiality and function. With a focus on lighting, clothing, furniture, tapestries, containers, and other curios, LUX offers a unique and exceptional collection of objects that redefine our experience of living spaces. Participating artists and studios include All Caps Studio, D. P. Clark Studio, Duende Textiles, Carl Durkow, John Souter, Sean Gerstley, Shade Brigade by Patty Crash, Tuft the World, and Armando Veve. LUX will run from November 10th to December 30th, 2023, with a public opening reception on November 10th from 6p to 9p. This event is a must-see for those interested in contemporary design and those who appreciate the talent and creativity of Philadelphia's design community. Admission to LUX is free, providing an opportunity for everyone to explore and appreciate these extraordinary objects. Join us at Commonweal Gallery to immerse yourself in this captivating exhibition and gain a new perspective on design.

Provided by MalachiSeretha|Published Mar 25, 2024


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