Makers 24 | The Work Room

Makers 24 | The Work Room

Jan 4–Jan 6, 2024 (UTC+0)
The Work Room


MAKERS 24, curated by Rob Heaslip, is a Winter Intensive that brings together some of the most talented creative minds in the Scottish dance sector. This exclusive event is open to professional performers in dance and will take place at The Work Room in Glasgow from January 4th to January 6th, 2024. Each day will start with a invigorating warm-up class led by Aya Kobayashi, followed by two 3-hour workshops. The cost of participation is £60 per person for all 3 days, and it is mandatory to attend all 3 days to secure your place. The Winter Intensive will feature a lineup of 6 esteemed artists, each leading a unique workshop exploring different aspects of dance. From Charlotte McLean's exploration of Scottish Highland Dance, to Luke Pell's poetic-choreographic and dramaturgical propositions, there is something for everyone to learn and experience. Other workshops include Rob Heaslip's use of imagery to redefine movement, Tess Letham's focus on crafting narratives through improvisation, Divine Tasinda's exploration of African movements, and Robbie Synge's playful experiments with connection. If you need support to attend MAKERS 24, there is a limited budget available to assist with costs such as childcare, travel, and BSL interpretation. To inquire about support, please email Helen at Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from and connect with the top talents in the Scottish dance sector. Reserve your place now and secure your spot at MAKERS 24.

Provided by arnish|Published Mar 25, 2024


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