Musical Theatre Art: Arty Farty Easter Holidays | Arty Farty Retreat

Musical Theatre Art: Arty Farty Easter Holidays | Arty Farty Retreat

Apr 3, 2024 (UTC+0)
Arty Farty Retreat


Experience a delightful morning immersed in the world of Musical Theatre Art at Arty Farty Retreat this Easter holiday season. Taking place on Wednesday, 3rd April from 11am to 1pm in Southborough, this event caters to individuals aged 7 and above at a ticket price of £30. Engage in creating stunning art pieces inspired by your beloved musicals while enjoying the melodious tunes of the shows. Utilize a variety of painting styles, drawing techniques, and crafts to craft masterpieces that you will take pride in displaying on your walls. To learn more about Arty Farty Retreat and their policies, including refunds, kindly refer to the detailed information available. Should you believe a child could benefit from our workshops but face financial constraints, do not hesitate to reach out to explore our pay it forward initiative. We strive to ensure that no one misses the opportunity to embrace creativity due to monetary challenges. Should you wish to contribute to someone else's participation in our workshops, we welcome your support.

Provided by Tripat|Published Apr 4, 2024


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