Mystic Story Telling | 1054 2nd Street, Encinitas, CA, USA

Mystic Story Telling | 1054 2nd Street, Encinitas, CA, USA

Mar 15, 2024 (UTC-8)
1054 2nd Street, Encinitas, CA, USA


Experience a captivating evening of mystical storytelling at the Mystic Story Telling event in Encinitas, CA. This extraordinary event, inspired by Devika Kishore's magical childhood memories, will transport you to uncharted territories through the sharing of six extraordinary real-life encounters. Devika Kishore, a Chopra Certified Master Educator in primordial sound meditation and perfect health Ayurvedic lifestyle, along with other skilled storytellers, will weave personal mystical stories that will captivate and mesmerize you. The evening will begin with a relaxing meditation, supported by sound healing instruments, to open your mind and invite wonderment. As you immerse yourself in the magic, visual aids will complement each story, enhancing your experience. Popcorn, snacks, and Chai Milk Tea will be provided to enhance your comfort during the event. Remember to bring a mug for tea, a yoga mat or cushion, and pillows or blankets to ensure your coziness throughout the evening. There is limited raised seating available for those with mobility issues. The Mystic Story Telling event will take place at 1054 2nd Street in Encinitas, CA. Don't miss out on this extraordinary experience!

Provided by Snapdragon|Published Mar 25, 2024


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