Outward Bound by Robert Morris | Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum

Outward Bound by Robert Morris | Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum

Oct 11, 2023 (UTC-5)
Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum


After two decades of creating maritime art and messaging, Robert Claiborne Morris, Jr. will be unveiling his latest show, "Outward Bound." Having previously showcased his artwork at various prestigious institutions such as the Ships of the Sea Museum, the Telfair Museum, the Cincinnati Museum of Art, and the King Center for Non Violent Social Change, Morris is now merging his extensive experience as an executive for Savannah's rapidly growing port with his new life aboard the Swedish Storebro Royal Cruiser 34, named "Grace." The highlight of this exhibition is the piece titled "Outward Bound," which symbolizes ships leaving the safety of the harbor to embark on the thrilling adventures of the open seas. This concept is deeply rooted in Morris' personal history, as he participated in a renowned survival course during his teenage years, where he learned to conquer extreme conditions through the disciplined integration of mind, body, and soul. Morris aims to create a more intimate connection between viewers and the surrounding sea through his latest body of work, emphasizing vibrant colors, illusions, and metaphors. The upcoming show, "Outward Bound by Robert Morris," will take place at the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum in Savannah on October 11, 2023. Admission is free for all attendees.

Provided by Itzal|Published Oct 9, 2023


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