Spring Storycloth Workshop with Art & Remembrance | DAR Museum

Spring Storycloth Workshop with Art & Remembrance | DAR Museum

Apr 20, 2024 (UTC-5)
DAR Museum


Experience the magic of storytelling through art at the upcoming Spring Storycloth Workshop with Art & Remembrance at DAR Museum in Washington. Delve into the world of textile art and cultural narratives during this captivating event on April 20, 2024. Led by the talented team at Art & Remembrance, guests will have the opportunity to learn the traditional craft of creating storycloths. Gain inspiration from Esther Nisenthal Krinitz, a Holocaust survivor who used fabric and stitches to preserve her family's story. Participants, including families, can immerse themselves in Esther's art and create their own story-cloths reflecting their family history. No previous experience is required, just a willingness to explore creativity in a meaningful way. Share your own stories while crafting a unique piece of art, similar to Esther's poignant work displayed at the DAR exhibit. Tickets for this enriching workshop are priced at $25, offering a chance to embrace art, history, and personal narratives in a profound and memorable setting. Reserve your spot today to secure a place in this inspiring workshop.

Provided by Hailie|Published Apr 21, 2024


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