The Figure in Cold Wax | Artists Center at the Galen

The Figure in Cold Wax | Artists Center at the Galen

Apr 26, 2024 (UTC-8)
Artists Center at the Galen


Immerse yourself in the captivating world of oil with cold wax in the upcoming workshop, "The Figure in Cold Wax," led by renowned artist and instructor Melinda Cootsona. This intensive three-day workshop will delve into the mesmerizing beauty and rich quality of cold wax paintings, achieved through the layering of colors, values, and textures. Melinda will guide participants in exploring various tools and techniques to create these intricate layers, with a special focus on figurative work. While many cold wax artists primarily work with abstract forms, this workshop will demonstrate how to apply this versatile medium to realist images as well, offering an enriching experience for intermediate to advanced students. Discover why a cold wax painting is distinct from a traditional oil painting, and embrace the unexpected surprises and unpredictable results that make this medium so exhilarating. Melinda will also provide valuable insights on how to control and harness the unique qualities of cold wax to create meaningful and impactful artwork. The workshop will utilize oil and cold wax as the primary medium, and participants are welcome to use water-based oils if desired. Please note that Melinda does not teach cold wax with acrylic paint. Born and raised in Silicon Valley, Melinda Cootsona draws inspiration from the breathtaking landscape, vibrant colors, and luminous light of California, which is often reflected in her work. With over 22 years of experience teaching students of all levels, Melinda's goal is to empower individuals to find their artistic voice and nurture their creative potential. The workshop will be held at the Artists Center at the Galen in Palm Desert, California, from April 26, 2024. Tickets are priced at $293 to $650, and participants are encouraged to bring their own oil paint supplies, while cold wax medium, multi-media art boards, and other essential materials will be provided. For more information about the workshop and a detailed material list, please visit: [Link to Event Page] and watch Melinda's video explaining her essential materials: [Link to Video]. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of cold wax and explore the limitless possibilities it offers for creating captivating figurative artwork. Secure your spot today!

Provided by Makena|Published Apr 27, 2024


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