The Garden of Abundance Textile Art workshops with Fée Uhssi | R.O.S.E. Community Clubroom

The Garden of Abundance Textile Art workshops with Fée Uhssi | R.O.S.E. Community Clubroom

Nov 16, 2023 (UTC+0)
R.O.S.E. Community Clubroom


The Garden of Abundance Fashion & Textile installation, curated by Fée Uhssi, presents a diverse collection of textile art and fashion recycling creations. This upcoming art exhibition is part of Make Arts in Nine Elms, and it embodies the theme of Grow & Flourish. Fée Uhssi's unique artistry is showcased through her recycled, upcycled, and transformed fashion items, as well as her innovative Fashion Wrapping and Furoshiki designs. The exhibition also features patchwork, collage, and other playful creations, all of which reflect the artist's contemplation on personal and communal growth and flourishing. Furthermore, it serves as a testimony to the interconnection between fashion, textile production, and nature, while raising awareness about environmental concerns. The Garden of Abundance is an ever-evolving and collaborative installation that aims to promote sustainability and celebrate the diversity found in nature and humanity. In this spirit, residents and community members of Nine Elms, Battersea, and Wandsworth are invited to contribute to the final installation by creating their own unique piece. Fée Uhssi, a Wandsworth-based Franco Nigerian Fashion & Textile Artist, Wellness Coach, Art & Colour Therapist, and Community Activist, spearheads these workshops. Participants will have the opportunity to explore various textile art techniques and craft a one-of-a-kind piece that will be showcased alongside the exhibition. Join us at the R.O.S.E. Community Clubroom in London on November 16, 2023, for these three-hour workshops and immerse yourself in the transformative power of textile art. Admission is free.

Provided by EdwardsBerlin|Published Mar 25, 2024


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