The Woodstock Poetry Festival 2023 | Woodstock

The Woodstock Poetry Festival 2023 | Woodstock

Dec 1–Dec 3, 2023 (UTC+0)


The Woodstock Poetry Festival, organized by the renowned independent Woodstock Bookshop, is set to return after a four-year hiatus. This highly anticipated event will take place from December 1st to December 3rd in various locations around Woodstock, including St. Mary Magdalene Church, The Assembly Room of the Woodstock Town Hall, and The Woodstock Social Club. The festival lineup features a mix of established voices and rising stars in the poetry world. On Friday, December 1st, attendees can enjoy a conversation between Alexandra Ault and Laura Walker, lead curators for the British Library's collection of manuscripts, as they discuss the beauty and insight revealed by these extraordinary artifacts. Poet Ishion Hutchinson will also be reading from his highly anticipated third collection, "School of Instructions." Saturday's events include readings from Damian Le Bas and Jo Clement, who will share their work and explore how their shared Romanichal background has shaped their writing. There will also be a reading by Michael Stewart, author of the award-winning novel "King Crow," as well as a book launch for MacGillivray's latest collection, "Ravage," in collaboration with poet Steve Ely. On Sunday, poets Nancy Campbell, Jane Draycott, and Donald Gardner will take the stage to share their extraordinary work. Additionally, there will be a reading by Jamie McKendrick and Jennie Feldman, followed by an open mic session hosted by Jenny Lewis. The Woodstock Poetry Festival promises to be a captivating weekend filled with beautiful words and powerful performances. Don't miss your chance to be part of this prestigious event. Tickets range from £5 to £60, and can be purchased online or at the event.

Provided by KhalilTupac|Published Mar 25, 2024


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