Tim Atlas (Philadelphia) | The Foundry

Tim Atlas (Philadelphia) | The Foundry

Sep 19, 2023 (UTC-5)
The Foundry


Tim Atlas, an electrifying concert event, is set to take place at The Foundry on September 19, 2023. The captivating melodies of Tim Atlas will resonate through the walls of this esteemed venue located at 29 E Allen Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19123. Prepare to be mesmerized by an unforgettable performance as Tim Atlas graces the stage with their incredible talent. The concert will feature an array of soul-stirring songs that will sweep the audience off their feet. From the heart-rending notes of "Compromised" to the infectious beats of "Lady (Hear Me Tonight) / One More Time," Tim Atlas will effortlessly transport you to a world of musical enchantment. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the soulful sounds of "Honeycomb" and feel the groove of "Unwind." With each note, Tim Atlas will paint a vivid picture that will linger in your mind long after the final chord. The exhilarating melodies of "Tangerine" and the passion-infused "Crime of Passion" will leave you yearning for more. Brace yourself for an extraordinary musical experience as Tim Atlas unveils the evocative melodies of "Figure A" and the captivating rhythms of "Courtside." The tickets for this remarkable concert will be on sale from May 12, 2023, at 17:00 until September 20, 2023, at 02:00. Mark your calendars and secure your spot for a night that promises to be nothing short of magical. Join the legion of fans who will gather to witness the brilliance of Tim Atlas. Get ready to be transported to a realm of musical euphoria that will leave an indelible mark on your soul. Tim Atlas awaits your presence at The Foundry.

Provided by Zafira|Published Sep 13, 2023


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