True Story London DRAFT - Monthly True Storytelling Workshops | The King's Arms Borough (near London Bridge station)

True Story London DRAFT - Monthly True Storytelling Workshops | The King's Arms Borough (near London Bridge station)

Jan 15, 2024 (UTC+0)
The King's Arms Borough (near London Bridge station)


True Story London DRAFT presents its monthly True Storytelling Workshops, where attendees can freely share and listen to drafts of personal stories. These workshops are designed to help participants transform their life stories into captivating narratives that can be shared around a dinner table or even at future True Story shows. The focus here is on storytelling, so we kindly ask everyone to respect this art form. The workshop lasts for 90 minutes and includes 4-5 live storytelling examples, providing valuable principles and insights into the craft. To participate, you can choose to be a Storyteller or a Listener. Storytellers are invited to come prepared with a written or unwritten draft of a true story, no longer than five minutes, which they can share out loud, receive feedback, and connect with other storytellers. Listeners, on the other hand, are welcome to join simply to listen and offer feedback to support the storytellers in their journey. The atmosphere is casual and conversational, fostering a sense of community through the power of storytelling. Please note that prior signup is required, and there is limited space for storytellers. If you sign up but cannot attend, kindly update your status to 'not attending' to allow others to take your place. For more information about True Story London, visit our website at, or tune into our podcast hosted by Michelle Toth, where you can listen to true, personal stories told live at our storytelling shows in London. Join us at our next Live Storytelling event at the King's Arms Borough, located near London Bridge station. We look forward to welcoming you to the art of storytelling.

Provided by elizaClaws|Published Jan 16, 2024


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