Trèanadh Seiseanan Òrain & Sgeulachd | Gaelic Song & Story Session Training | The Mitchell Library

Trèanadh Seiseanan Òrain & Sgeulachd | Gaelic Song & Story Session Training | The Mitchell Library

Mar 1, 2025 (UTC+0)
The Mitchell Library


Trèanadh gus taic a thoirt dhuibh le bhith a' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan òrain is sgeulachdan Ghàidhlig airson nan tràth-ìrean. Bheir an seisean trèanaidh againn taic dhut gus seisean òran is sgeulachd tràth-ìrean a lìbhrigeadh do theaghlaichean agus an cuid chloinne aois 0-5. Seallaidh sinn air òrain Ghàidhlig a tha a’ moladh a chleachdadh le clann den aois seo, bruidhnidh sinn mu dheidhinn stuthan a chuidicheas tu san t-seisean agad, bruidhnidh sinn air dè na leabhraichean as fheàrr a chleachdas tu, agus bheir sinn seachad beagan bheachdan air mar as fheàrr seisean òran is sgeulachdan Gàidhlig a ruith far a bheil glè bheag de Ghàidhlig aig a’ mhòr-chuid de theaghlaichean. Bidh cothrom ann cuideachd cabadaich còmhla agus beachdan sam bith a fhuair thu bho sheiseanan a bha thu fhèin a stiùireadh. Thèid tì is cofaidh a thoirt seachad tron ​​​​t-seisean. Dh' fhaodadh gum bidh sinn airson fiosrachadh a bharrachd a chur thugaibh as dèidh na seisean agus thèid seo a dhèanamh tro puist-d. Cleachdaidh sinn na seòlaidhean puist-d a chleachdas sibh airson clàradh gus seo a dhèanamh, ach cha tèid an cleachdadh airson adhbhar sam bith eile mura gheibh sinn ceud bhuaibh an toiseach. Lorgar poileasaidh phrìobhaideachd Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson liostaichean-sgaoilidh an seo. - - - - - - - - - - - - Early Years Gaelic Song and Story session delivery training. Our training session will support you to deliver an early years song and story session to families and their children aged 0-5. We will look at suggested Gaelic songs to use with children of this age, talk about props that will help you in your session, discuss what books are best to use, and give some ideas of how best to run a Gaelic song and story session where the majority of families will have little to no Gaelic. There will also be the opportunity to chat together and pass on any ideas you have gained from sessions you may have led yourself. Tea and coffee will be provided during the session. We may wish to share additional information with you after the session and will use the email address you provide when registering to do this. Your email address will not be stored or used for any other purpose without your expressed permission. You can find Bòrd na Gàidhlig's privacy policy regarding contact lists here.

Information Source: Bòrd na Gàidhlig | eventbrite

Provided by archibald|Published Mar 1, 2025

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