Vocal Arts Festival - Oldham | The Palm Suite

Vocal Arts Festival - Oldham | The Palm Suite

Dec 25, 2023 (UTC+0)
The Palm Suite


Welcome to the vibrant and enchanting world of the Vocal Arts Festival - Oldham! Nestled in the heart of Oldham, this captivating event promises to transport you to a realm where melodic harmonies and powerful voices reign supreme. Hosting the festival at the esteemed Palm Suite on Middleton Road Chadderton, this venue provides the perfect ambiance for an unforgettable experience. Mark your calendars for December 25, 2023, as this is a date you won't want to miss! Immerse yourself in a mesmerizing blend of dynamic performances, showcasing the extraordinary talent of vocalists from across the region. From soul-stirring arias to spine-tingling ballads, the Vocal Arts Festival - Oldham has something for every discerning music enthusiast. With tickets priced at a modest £0 - £7.50, this captivating event offers an affordable opportunity to witness the sheer brilliance of the human voice. So gather your friends and loved ones, and prepare to be serenaded by the finest vocalists in Oldham. Get ready to lose yourself in a symphony of emotions as the Vocal Arts Festival - Oldham takes center stage in the realm of artistic excellence.

Provided by PigSophia|Published Mar 25, 2024


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