Yoga for Sports - Stretch and Thai Massage | Ethelburga Community Centre

Yoga for Sports - Stretch and Thai Massage | Ethelburga Community Centre

Dec 9, 2023 (UTC+0)
Ethelburga Community Centre


Join the Yoga for Sports - Stretch and Thai Massage workshop, designed for athletes and sports enthusiasts in London. This workshop is ideal for runners, footballers, tennis players, rowers, boxers, and cyclists looking to enhance their athletic performance. By incorporating yoga into your training routine, you can improve flexibility and prevent common sports injuries. The workshop will be split into two parts, each lasting 60 minutes. In the first part, you will engage in an active flow that focuses on stretching the outer hips, hamstrings, shins, glutes, and IT band. This targeted stretching will help relieve muscle tightness and fatigue. In the second part, you will experience a deeper Yin & Restorative stretch, moving at a slow pace. This segment also includes hands-on Thai Massage provided by Patricia. This combination of techniques will aid in injury prevention and recovery from existing ones, allowing you to continue doing what you love. Whether you are a complete beginner or already have a yoga practice, this workshop is suitable for all levels. Don't miss the opportunity to join us at the Ethelburga Community Centre on December 9, 2023. Secure your spot now for just £33.22.

Provided by Glitzy|Published Mar 25, 2024


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