March 6, 2025
I just spent a week in Safaga’s TUI magic life hotel. Some minuses but overall amazing resort. + The best buffet I have ever eaten as a vegan. Clearly marked vegan symbols in foods. However sadly there are no vegan desserts, but I didn’t mind it that much (there were fruits, strawberries etc.) The food was good, amazing different sauces, vegetables, protein sources etc. + A lot of sunchairs (at least for winter capacity) and beach towels are provided. + Bars use reusable cups and paper straws which is good for the environment. + Cool things like open air cinema, theater shows, etc. - Although it is not permitted to reserve sunchairs, people do it A LOT which is very annoying. They reserve spots and are then absent for hours. Unfair and annoying practise by a lot of the tourists. - Our Tui driver (airport to hotel transfer) demanded tip money before giving our bags. Giving the tip (5€/2pp) was not the issue, but the way the driver demanded it.. Afterall, we had already paid TUI 20€ per person per one trip. Several workers seem to want tips which is understandable but something we did not know to prepare for per info on TUI’s website. - Quite a lot of noice from outside in the evenings (music). Our room was on the other end of the reception, the sea and the restaurants, so walking was required, not an issue for us but something to take into account. -The wifi did not work in our room or anywhere near it. We got an additional wifi device (deposit 20€), it worked but never automatically, I always had to keep pressing the buttons on the device multiple times before it connected to my phone. Wifi works in public areas quite well, except in the buffet space where it doesn’t work at all. So websites promising wifi in the rooms. is a bit too much promised. THE BIGGEST MINUS: - We were worried about the cats’ wellbeing at the resort. Cats are naturally territorial and somewhat in need of humans and their love and care, both of which the hotel does not have the opportunity to provide. The cats often fight at the resort and within a week we have seen many cats with bad looking wounds. Signs about cat care can be seen all over the hotel (abour providing food and water), but the care can not be limited to feeding. From what we saw during the week, fingting among th cats is a real concern. I understand that cats are a good attraction for customers but it needs to be ethical and right for the cats, not for the humans. I very much hope that the cats are getting care from vets. // Liebe Deutsche: Ein sehr schönes Hotel, wunderschöne Umgebung, gutes Essen (viele Optionen für mich als Veganer), viel zu tun und zu sehen. JEDOCH: Obwohl es nicht erlaubt ist, Liegestühle zu reservieren, machen es die Leute SEHR VIEL (meistens nur Deutsche), was sehr ärgerlich ist. Sie reservieren gute Plätze und sind dann stundenlang weg. Ich weiß nicht, wie man das besser regeln könnte, aber es ist kaum zu glauben, wie viele Leute das ständig machen. Die Deutschen haben außerdem die s