Guest User
July 15, 2023
Stayed in a sort of garden home, somewhat larger than a garden shed. A shower is available, no airco and windows can only very limited be opened. Consequently, much too warm, even by less sunny days. Idyllic? Certainly not! At the edge of a lake, a large parking lot filled with mobil homes is the nearby view!!! Restaurant: looks like an amateur chef who by coincidence is able to know how to switch on the stove. Food quality of diner is low. Breakfast is minimal, I did not risk to eat scrambled eggs because of the colour and soaking wet!! Bread choice very limited (was there a choice??) The rooms (in the cabin) are not maintained daily!!! Level of English is limited (unless you are lucky to find just that one person who has English skills) Conclusion: not worth for tourists paying an extremely lot of money. Suitable for backpackers!!!