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📍Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺 #vacation

💡 Budapest is the capital of Hungary, located on the Danube River. It is a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage. Castle District is the historical center of Budapest and a World Heritage Site. There are many ancient buildings in the Castle District, including Buda Castle, Matthias Church, and Fisherman's Bastion. You can see panoramic views of the Danube River on the hilltop of Fisherman’s Bastion.🏰 The New Town is the modern center of Budapest and has many famous buildings, including the Parliament Building, the National Opera House, and the Central Market Hall. The architectural styles of the buildings on both sides of the Danube River vary greatly, forming a unique cityscape. Don’t forget to enjoy the night scenery on both sides of the river!🌉 💡 布達佩斯是匈牙利的首都,位於多瑙河畔,是一座歷史悠久、文化底蘊深厚的城市。 城堡區是布達佩斯的歷史中心,也是一座世界遺產。城堡區內有許多古老的建築,包括布達城堡、聖馬蒂亞斯教堂、漁人堡等。在漁人堡的山丘上你更可以俯瞰整個多瑙河兩岸的風景。🏰 新城區是布達佩斯的現代化中心,擁有許多著名的建築,包括國會大廈、國家歌劇院、布達佩斯中央大市場等,這些建築物都讓人讚嘆不已! 多瑙河兩岸的建築風格各異,形成了獨特的城市景觀。夜晚的多瑙河畔更是美不勝收,燈光璀璨,令人流連忘返。🌉 #budapest #vacation #hungary #travel #travelblogger #historical #attraction #nightview #castle #operahouse #hillcave #danube #布達佩斯 #匈牙利 #布達佩斯自由行 #布達佩斯景點 #歴史建築 #夜景 #多瑙河 #旅行 #旅遊 #旅遊景點 #travelpoodie
Posted: Nov 19, 2023
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