
Haxionggou Forest Park Review

4.5 /513 Reviews
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day10 500km Destination Urumqi, today's attractions are a bit thundery, the local new net red attraction Haxionggou, all people, temporarily give up the two attractions in the surrounding Nanshan, you can consider joining the itinerary if you have not been, I have been there many years ago, and there are too many beautiful scenery along the way. To leave time to a better place, the first journey is over, you can refer to the route guide, take a two-day break and continue to set off

Haxionggou Forest Park

Posted: Jun 24, 2021
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  • 天地在我心z
    Original Text

    The editing and creation of encyclopedia entries will be subject to no cost, and violations such as malicious dissemination of false information, counterfeiting of official and agency fee editing will be severely cracked. Details  Haxionggou Haxionggou, located on the north slope of Tianshan, 58 kilometers southeast of Miquan City, Xinjiang, 70 kilometers away from Urumqi, is an autonomous forest park with the main tree species spruce. Tianshan is thick and the ditch is deep. Haxionggou is a section deep in one of the ditches. The mountain, water and snow scenes here are very charming. The air in Haxionggou is cool and humid, and the water quality is excellent. Tourists feel comfortable and happy here. The mountains are full of spruce, and spruce undulates with the mountain, like empty green waves. When the mountain wind blows, the green waves roll, and the mountains and fields seem to be surging, a magnificent scenery. Haxionggou has always been a hobby choice for hiking. Haxionggou is located in Tianshan Mountain, 47 kilometers southeast of Miquan County.

    Posted: Jun 17, 2021
  • 李嘉杰Hotel control
    Original Text

    Real aging is not in the skin and body, but in the spirit and soul. Maintaining a heart of exploration will continue to have new discoveries and keep learning to be full of vitality... Always on the road, never stop exploring and can learn for life, there is no time to age [cracking teeth] for the new scenery we found in the exploration [fireworks] Shirengou|Haxionggou|Hongshan Park|Nanshan|Tianshan Tianchi#Travel Happiness Moment#Private Secrets in the City#Where I want to go #My Hiking Notes#Private Treasures around the City

    Posted: Jun 10, 2022
  • 莎菽菽

    乌鲁木齐·新疆 新疆·中国 【不踩雷景点攻略】🔹新疆长大的我,劝你们五一千万别去新疆,一定会让你后悔。因为新疆有1000多个景点,冰川雪域、戈壁沙漠、草原河流、高山湖泊,68种旅游资源,新疆占了56种,根本玩不过来。⛰️景点:天山森林公园/哈熊沟关于哈熊沟这个名字据说百年前这片森林里经常有熊出没因此得名📍地址:位于新疆米泉市东南58公里处的天山北坡,距离乌鲁木齐70公里,是自治区级森林公园🚗交通:从乌鲁木齐市区出发乘坐大巴约需1.5小时🕛开放:全天开放💰门票:无需门票【游玩时间】建议游玩2-3小时 【行前准备】穿防晒服/涂防晒霜/想要野炊备好水果饮料零食野炊食材器具/防潮垫📝小Tips:最佳游玩时间设在午后四点上山甚至五点不然晒得不得了根本不想走路 🔹推荐理由:山/水/雪/树树 满满的树 主要树种为云杉 空气 凉爽湿润 高山流水 水温很冰 水质很好徒步/骑行/摄影如果想考虑周边游感受大自然 推荐你来这里 因为游人到此无不感到心情舒畅 精神愉悦 来世间一趟 一定要努力看更多风景旅行是对平淡生活的一次越狱到处走走 拍拍照 哪里都是快乐💙#自驾游#新疆旅游 #新疆攻略 #乌鲁木齐周边游 #周末去哪儿

    Posted: Jun 7, 2021
  • 背包与相机里的山川湖海

    |乌鲁木齐周边游|哈熊沟到底有没有熊|||有温度的乌鲁木齐,16度 晴🌟风里已经有了秋天的味道🍂风吹草低见牛羊👏可自驾游,无门票景区内有农家乐、毡房,还可以骑马🙋#乌鲁木齐周边游 #有温度的乌鲁木齐 🔥🔥#中秋国庆出游打卡

    Posted: Oct 7, 2021
  • 天地在我心z
    Original Text

    The editing and creation of encyclopedia entries will be subject to no cost, and violations such as malicious dissemination of false information, counterfeiting of official and agency fee editing will be severely cracked. Details  Haxionggou Haxionggou, located on the north slope of Tianshan, 58 kilometers southeast of Miquan City, Xinjiang, 70 kilometers away from Urumqi, is an autonomous forest park with the main tree species spruce. Tianshan is thick and the ditch is deep. Haxionggou is a section deep in one of the ditches. The mountain, water and snow scenes here are very charming. The air in Haxionggou is cool and humid, and the water quality is excellent. Tourists feel comfortable and happy here. The mountains are full of spruce, and spruce undulates with the mountain, like empty green waves. When the mountain wind blows, the green waves roll, and the mountains and fields seem to be surging, a magnificent scenery. Haxionggou has always been a hobby choice for hiking. Haxionggou is located in Tianshan Mountain, 47 kilometers southeast of Miquan County.

    Posted: Jun 17, 2021
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