
Woolworths Town Hall Review

4.4 /57 Reviews
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Traveling to Australia, this stop came to Sydney, this supermarket chain is an authentic Australian brand, in various places in Australia, cities can find its trace, if in a big city, or a street two to three branches have appeared, So it is more frequent to see it than any brand supermarket. This store opposite the City Hall should be the largest in Sydney. Because the location is good, the source of customers is never lacking, and the guests are endless and people come and go. The store is very large, the first floor sells daily necessities, drugs, packaged food, drinks, and a small amount of packaged bread and sushi, the negative layer sells fresh, including fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, salad, freshly baked and fried, grain and oil, nuts and bread, desserts. Usually some special items are placed in the aisles and in the most conspicuous places, which should be the case in supermarkets around the world. The scale of the supermarket is large, so there are many goods and food are specially packaged for this supermarket brand. When you buy, you can see some bags with the trademark logo of this supermarket brand, which is only found in this brand supermarket. Other supermarket brands are not, I personally feel that the price of these foods will be cheaper than other big brands of similar foods, but the quality is not low, the same delicious. I went to the supermarket one afternoon to see things, and then came to buy them together at night. When I arrived at night, I actually saw many products full of shelves in the afternoon that were almost empty, and the speed of sales was very fast. The negative floor of the supermarket is connected to the Town Hall train station, and can also lead to the negative floor of Queen Victoria Building.

Woolworths Town Hall

Posted: Nov 8, 2020
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  • 梦入翰林
    Original Text

    Woolworths is Australia's largest food retailer, with more than 1 in every 100 Australian workers employed by it. In Sydney and Melbourne, where consumption is so high, it can also have similar prices as domestic, and the quality of the goods is very good. The variety of goods sold is complete, similar to the domestic Wumei, and the price of milk products is very high. There are often promotions, and the prices of some discounted goods have been comparable to the price of Pinduoduo.

    Posted: Mar 29, 2019
  • haha0146a
    Original Text

    The City Hall is right next to Queen's Square, a beautiful building, did not go in to visit, there are many luxury brands nearby. Queen's Square is also a large shopping center, more close to the people's brand, you can stroll around.

    Posted: May 22, 2018
  • 横竖是二温小迪

    Woolworths是澳洲的大超市了,商品的价格肯定比便利店划算,特别是买大包装的东西。我就买了点巧克力和饼干,timtam的原味已经被抢光了,不过个人觉得其他口味也好吃。网红的成人奶粉货源很足,我们一个人拿了两包。这里保健品的价格也不错,有的比药店打折还划算,不过可能没货。据说这家烤鸡好吃又便宜,我们去的太早了,没买到,好遗憾。结账的时候,可以选择人工或者自助。我要参加招行pay pal满减的活动,就选择了人工结账。之前在Coles 使用过自助结账,也很方便。

    Posted: May 11, 2018
  • moxiaoya

    每次去一个新的城市,都喜欢去找一家大超市逛逛看看买买,长见识解嘴馋。因为超市是除了菜市场以外,最贴近生活的地方。有很多我喜欢的吃的喝的,好多还都是我没吃过没喝过的新鲜玩意儿。所以,我喜欢也很享受,每一次逛超市的过程,这根买衣服是一个道理。到了悉尼,逛了一天挺累的,想回酒店休息了。但是回去之前一定要备好酸奶和零食才行。酸奶是我最爱的奶制品,5分钟内可以轻松喝掉一斤,并且越稠越多果酱的我越喜欢。在这儿,直接奔向酸奶的保鲜柜区域,不停的往篮子里丢各种各样的酸奶,只要是外包装好看的都往里扔,特别爽!买了一篮子的酸奶,用了几百人民币,价格也是够贵的。比国内的酸奶贵多了呢。但是我相信,奶制品的品质肯定比及国内好吧。回到酒店,洗完澡出来,一边玩儿手机,一边吃酸奶,那么多真的是吃了好久好久。因为第二天要去新西兰了,那些东西都要吃完才行,不能浪费。我感觉,澳洲的酸奶,大多口味偏淡,不像欧洲的都是属于甜腻型,这边比较多的是追求原味。所以比较嗜甜的小亚觉得,好多都看起来好喝,其实吃起来比较普通啦。还是欧洲的酸奶便宜,一大罐才十几元。恩。。。。 我是在当地人下班时间逛的超市,所以生意特别好,买单还要排队,还好自助买单区的设备很好用,结账都很迅速。

    Posted: Mar 10, 2018
  • M26***49
    Original Text

    The variety is complete, the health products are often half price, love taimei milk powder is sold out every day, milk and beef are particularly cheap, lobster tail 9 knives more, paper pump 9.5 knife, fishoil 400 grains 15 knives.

    Posted: Feb 1, 2019
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