Best Restaurants in June in Atsinanana (Updated 2024)

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1Vakona Forest Lodge

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岛主的度假日常A travel note in the 116-country world tour: leave the capital of Madagascar and set off for the jungle. There are two stops on this day: Parc Exotique and Andasibe National Forest Reserve. The driver only speaks French, his English and my French are at the same level ~ hahahaha, so he also brought a translator. Other Madao animals in Madagascar: gecko, lizard, snake, rainforest frogs... These are reserved for the next sharing, and today they mainly talk about Andasibe. After arriving at Andasibei, I first found a hotel to stay. The name of the hotel is Vakona Forest Lodge. It is a very beautiful hotel. The area is not small. The rooms are all small villas. 1-2 Month is off-season. It only costs about 100 dollars per night. If you go in December, it will be more expensive. ~ Inside the Andasibei Forest Reserve. Many hotels and inns are built directly in the forest. The front and back of the house are full of flowers and plants. The entrance of the island’s main room is also full of flowers, and the aroma hits people. The lobby and restaurant of the hotel are in one, which is the largest building by the lake. Simply eat and drink a pizza and juice, and set off to two field observation points near the hotel. I left the exploration of the Andasibe Forest Reserve the next morning, so the afternoon trip was Lemur Island and Crocodile Valley. The first stop is to take a boat to reach Lemur Island, lemurs do not like water, can not swim, and lemurs do not drink water, the body needs all the water from food. There are four lemurs on lemur island: black and white panda lemurs, brown and gray lemurs that look very close, and bamboo lemurs that are extremely small. Early the next morning, I heard the screams of various animals in the forest. In the early morning, when the animals came out for food, they hurried to eat breakfast and set off to enter the Andasibe National Forest Reserve before 7 o'clock. When Madagascar separated from the continent, the island's primates took a completely different evolutionary path from the continent. The Andasibe National Nature Reserve is one of the first five nature reserves established in Madagascar. The vegetation of the reserve is mainly tropical rainforest and is rich in species. There are 11 lemurs living in this reserve, and the most famous is the largest short-tailed lemurs in existence. The area is diverse, including some cherished insects, birds and amphibious reptiles, and there are also many wild orchids growing here, which are equally fascinating.