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7Amici Italian Bistro

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HomerotuAMICI ITALIAN BISTRO, It should be the best Italian restaurant in Khao Lak. Restaurant, everyone understands that if you are the only local, do a little delicious, business will naturally be good, but if you are similar to your peers, you can also kill a way out of it, maintain a good seating rate, that is true, and AMICI is exactly the same. COSTINE DI MAIALE Let us really surprise, choose the middle part of the pork ribs, roasted fire weather is quite in place, and then pour BBQ barbecue sauce, the moment you enter the mouth will make you feel worthwhile, and when you slowly chew and taste the white pig cartilage, you will know that the sky is so blue, The clouds were so white and the food so delicious, it was supposed to be. AL FRUTTI DI MARE, is actually Margalita pizza topped with mixed seafood, my favorite Italian pancake (I always thought that the thin bottom is the real pizza), my favorite seafood match, the special pizza oven can be seen on the spot, bite down, like soda biscuits crispy pancakes plus unique fresh seafood ingredients stand in the local area, This taste is really cool. FUNGHI E PROSCIUTTO, still prefer SPAGHETTI, choose mushroom + ham, the chef will play the most important sauce of pasta in full, so every mouthful is delicious. A good restaurant soul, a good chef, DAVID is a real Italian (the tall man in the sixth photo), very friendly, has traveled many countries, went to Taipei Hyatt in 2002 to serve as executive chef for two years, then went to Bangkok for seven years (wife is Thai, of course, This is another story, and then it’s here. I appreciate the idea of DAVID, he said, and I like Bangkok, because Bangkok is a very open and has a variety of fun things, but I prefer to stand, because people who come to stand are all put down their hearts and burdens to relax on vacation, so the same people come to different places, Because of the different mood, will enjoy the food I provide more, will be happier, so I am more happy, I like to stay here!