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7The Machine Shed Restaurant

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灵心小榭赏味[What does it mean to write "not your mother 's" on the American rural menu? ] 🚗 Visiting the store: machine shed🥏 Style: American rural ecological restaurant 🍽 Recommended dishes: roast pork ribs, "not mother-flavored" meat patties, root juice beer 💰 per capita: $20 This is an old restaurant with the theme of "farm to table", BBQ is the main dish. The "mother's taste" and "grandmother's taste" often focus on Chinese restaurants are different to delicious. If the dishes in the American countryside are delicious and attentive, they often put on the slogan "not your mother 's", not your old mother made taco or not your mother made meatloaf, That is definitely a compliment [smile] I don’t know how unremarkable the dishes of American mothers are. Haha “pork ribs” are different from the original smoke of the 50-year-old store hickory park I have eaten before. The ribs of this store have more sweet sauce taste, and the texture is also tender and juicy. More in line with my personal taste. The menu says "not the mother's taste of "meat pie toast"" is really delicious, haha "fried chicken sweet potatoes" is generally like, "fried salmon" can not appreciate, I feel that fried fish, roast fish, Chinese food is still more way than Western food [naughty] "root juice beer", This time I came to the Midwest of the United States and liked this kind of drink with a little entrance to the brain oil flavor. When you "bear" after the first taste of the strange, you will find that it is a unique and interesting flavor. After dining, be sure to visit the gift shop of this restaurant. Many tableware, small kitchenware are good-looking and good value for money, can not help to receive several home, self-use or a small gift are 8 mistakes [screaming teeth] By the way, to Des Moines City, in addition to must taste the roast pork ribs here in Iowa, is to be sure to go to the old books in the state Capitol. Go sit in the hall, super beautiful ^_^