Although it is not the peak season, it is also very good to blow the sea breeze at the beach.
CMX Cinemas Daytona Luxury 12
We saw the 7:50 showing of five nights at Freddy’s. We slept through the last time, on Halloween. We didn’t realize it was a three hour movie. Like a trooper, Addy (my 7 year old daughter) ate her popcorn, candy and drank her soda and made it through most of the movie. She was totally crashed by the end. I scooped her up and carried her to the car despite the fact that she is getting a little big. In any event, we were both happy at this point. I brought her out to the car, gently strapped her into the seat and reached in my pocket for the key. It wasn’t there.I thought it had been odd that the car was already unlocked when we came out. Nothing was missing it seemed. I only had to find the key. I laid my precious baby in her car seat and commenced to tearing my car apart, looking for the key.5 minutes later, I had all kinds of stuff sitting on my trunk as I sifted through the tangled nightmare that is all of my IT tools that I keep with me in the car, if not very organized. About halfway through the search, some employee comes out to their car, not far from mine, and the guy tells me we “can’t be parked in hi parking lot. What!? I’m a little aggravated at this point.I didn’t get his name because he felt I wasn’t worth approaching or asking anything. Instead, He yelled out to me, “I can’t have you in my parking lot”. I was legitimately shocked that I had run into the owner of CMX Theaters. Despite being rather dubious of this claim and not being asked a single question, I explained the situation.I explained that I was looking for my lost car key. I would tell you his name but he didn’t tell me or approach me. All I can relate is that he was fairly skinny, flamboyant, dark complected gentleman, whose name I couldn’t possibly have gleaned as he didn’t offer it.. Regardless, and considering my 7 year old daughter watching all of this, I was doing my best to comply and simply find my key and leave.never again!