Best Restaurants in June in Xiangzhou District (Updated 2024)

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889怪 kafe

9 Reviews
€5Coffee Shops
杭杭爱旅游In Zhongshan, you must not miss trying the pigeon. I recommend you to Shiqi Lao Zhongshan Restaurant, where the pigeon meat is fresh and tender, although the skin is not crisp enough, but each pigeon is enough for one person to enjoy, the price is 35 yuan per pigeon, you can consider a try. For coffee lovers, go to the strange kafe to try their matcha ice cream pineapple bag and the simmering American coffee. Also, if you want to enjoy more coffee options, go to 4a4a4acafe, matcha Basque dessert tastes good, especially the flow of the heart is reminiscent. If you want to taste a simple meal, I recommend you to 21GEspresso, the store is spacious, the quality of the dishes is good, the only downside is that the dishes on the simple meal are salty. There are some attractions worth visiting in Zhongshan, such as Holiday Plaza, where there are the words "Zhongshan" to punch in, and there are some exhibitions to visit. In addition, Zimaling Park is suitable for evening travel, the air environment is very good, and Xiangshan study is a good place to take pictures. In Zhongshan, there is no subway to use, and travel mainly depends on cars and buses. It is recommended that you choose to live near Lihe Square so it is convenient to travel and there are many food options around. Overall, Zhongshan is a place to relax and stroll. It is not a bustling Internet celebrity city, but the whole city gives people a comfortable and relaxing feeling, suitable for a walk-and-go trip at any time. 🌃🍽🚶‍♀ #niche free punch card recommendation #I recommend treasure travel place #Mid-Autumn Festival National Day trip punch card