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2 Reviews
u foodie早前抽到兩張昂平360纜車來回車票兩張, 就和老公一起到東涌影Hello Kitty, 再坐纜車上昂平遊一圈, 回到東涌當然要吃餐好的, 就選了有「日本第一天丼」美譽的日本過江龍天婦羅丼飯專門店的金子半之助甫踏進店內, 已聞到陣陣麻油味, 原來金子半之助採用日本特製高級胡麻油, 令其製成的天婦羅芳香撲鼻及色澤較深安排好入座後, 店員先奉上一壺黑豆麥茶, 是自家炮製, 可以解膩.點好餐之後, 吸引到我注意的隨了是牆上的櫻花圖案, 還有桌上一個木製小瓶貼著”醍醐味”, 原來是類似七味粉的調味料。用法不是打開上面的塞子,而是抽開下面的小圓木棒將調味粉倒出來。非常別緻, 另外還有品嚐天丼步驟的介紹, 仔細看完後再稍等一會, 美味的天丼就差不多上桌了. 因為每碗天丼都是現炸的,所以要預點時間等侯一下。軟殼蟹天丼 $158非常豐富, 除了軟殼蟹, 還有海老(蝦), 小柱魷魚天婦羅餅, 溫泉蛋, 海苔(紫菜), 莢豌豆(荷蘭豆). 全部真材實料, 新鮮好味, 蝦肉彈牙, 小柱魷魚口感柔軟有彈性, 海苔以天婦羅方式吃感覺滋味, 莢豌豆很清甜, 品嚐完美味的炸物, 將軟棉棉的炸溫泉蛋戮破, 熟度剛好的溫泉蛋蛋液流出來包附著每一粒米飯, 再加上秘製醬汁, 多層次的潤滑口感讓人唇齒留香天丼 $98除了軟殼蟹換成了菇菌外, 其他食材也跟軟殼蟹天丼一樣同樣豐富, 菇菌味道鮮美. 天婦羅這種炸物除了食材重要外,加上同樣來自日本的天婦羅小麥粉及雞蛋,調製出黃金比例的天婦羅炸漿,令外層鬆脆不油膩,油炸的功力亦是另一關鍵令食物保持原汁原味。再加上秘製醬汁, 完全不會覺得油膩兩份天丼也包含漬物 (白蘿蔔和海藻子薑) 及味噌湯, 味噌湯足料好味另外再追加了帆立貝魷魚天婦羅餅, 兩份海苔及兩碗味噌湯吃完之後老公還發現了一個小秘密, 丼碗的碗底部份原來有一層是空心, 細問之下得知原來丼碗是運用了源自江戶時代的陶瓷工藝,佐賀有田燒來製作,碗底部份特意做成空心設計,目的是讓熱氣灌進去作循環效果以保持碗中食物的溫度,由外觀賣相到實用性,都是一絕的江戶前味道! 非常豐富又惹味的一餐, 下次要再來試試其他配搭的天丼


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MYR187Cantonese Cuisine
彼方的旅人I heard that there is a Cantonese private kitchen that Cantonese people want to go again. Today, I made an appointment with my friends and passed away after get off work. The environment is orange light and warm color decoration. The dishes are exquisite and beautiful, the ingredients are fresh and fresh, and there are scattered private rooms that can provide smooth talk, starry sky yurt, The style of Qilou style is very suitable for family and friends to have dinner or business dinners. 🍀 dishes share "Citi Ginseng Maidong Gravy" Chinese medicine Citi Ginseng, Mai Dong has the effect of replenishing gas and raising Yin and moistening cough in the lungs. Medicinal stew boiled gravy delicious, soup to drink the stomach super warm, delicious and nutritious, there is the feeling and warmth of the mother stew soup. "Abalone juice shark fin fish rice" is exquisite and beautiful, rice is full of abalone juice, can be poured according to personal taste, broccoli 🥦 embellished with bright green, shark fin is very tough, delicious nutrition. "Sugar and sweet grunt shrimp" people who like grunt meat will inevitably like this sour and sweet grunt shrimp, the appearance is golden and rich, colorful, shrimp crouch full, sour and sweet. Interestingly, not with 🍍, but with improved cantaloupe 🍈 made of full vitamins with fresh shrimp protein, delicious and attractive. "Black Golden Bird's Nest" is a mysterious name, rounded open the lid cover aroma, black sesame simmer boiled into a smooth and sweet. The boss said they were hand-cooked and carefully cooked to ensure that the bird's nest taste was not damaged. "Pretzel crispy skin tofu" appearance is scorched yellow crispy, bite down snow white tender smooth, golden skin pretzel on the salt increased the taste of tofu, it is recommended to bite half experience pretzel white tofu, the fragrance is overflowing, one mouth without stopping. "Vegetable salad" green organic matter, purple kale, lettuce and other vegetables fresh and low fat, more special also added solid sausages, is not afraid of fat the best choice, girls bold and safe to eat. 🎊 The experience boss and the proprietress are warm and hospitable. The boss is still a locomotive-loving person. It is my dream to go out to play with the proprietress often. This trip is super value, and the per capita one hundred and fifty can eat fresh and full fresh dishes. Welcome to bring your own wine without marketing the main one to treat guests sincerely, no difference. 🏠 Baitaihe Private Kitchen Banquet 🚇 Left Fort A Exit 🏕 No. 28 Haiwan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen #Try this store's Cantonese cuisine #Guangzhou Cantonese Restaurant #Taste the authentic old brand #Local food to eat #Where to go on weekends