Best Restaurants in June in Matetelke (Updated 2024)

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老桃子Temporarily decided to travel, selected Eastern European country Serbia in the visa-free country. HNA Beijing direct flight to Belgrade, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport renovation, car rental store moving, the store selling phone cards temporarily closed, my self-driving tour encountered countless difficulties, and finally drove on the road after several ordeals. Serbs are very friendly to the Chinese, but the English logo is relatively poor. Fortunately, many people understand English and always encounter problems with enthusiastic good people to help. After picking up the car in the morning, I went straight to the first point of the journey, Subotica, close to 180 kilometers, most of them are highways, the road conditions are very good, the charges are not much different from China. Subotica, close to the small town on the Hungarian border, the people's life is very comfortable. On weekends, adults take their children to play outdoors. The elderly sit in the park or in the street coffee shop to chat. The city hall meets a couple of new people to hold a wedding. Many relatives and friends are dressed up to attend. There are also carriages to help. The building is very distinctive, it is said to be a bit Hungarian style, after all, it is a neighbor, the style seems to be very normal, my feeling is still understanding the European style. The consumption level is close to China's first-tier cities. The distance between the main attractions is very close. Except for the city hall and the church, the other is basically street views and buildings. The city hall is the center of the circle. The main attractions are within 500 meters. It is a leisurely and quiet slow-living city. The city hall can visit and board the observation deck, open regularly, tickets 150 dinars, it is said to be very delicate, there is a viewing platform. It is recommended that friends first go to the city hall to see if they can catch up with the opening time after arriving in Subotica. The beautiful synagogue is fenced and has to take pictures outside. If you have the opportunity to drive by yourself, it is recommended to string Novi Sad and Subotica together. When preparing for the Raiders, it feels that the bus takes a long time and the cost is not cheap. Two or three days by car are enough for these two cities. Highly recommend Subotica, don’t miss it.