Best Restaurants in June in Durham Regional Municipality (Updated 2024)

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Karon TomatoIn mid-week, because the restaurant that I often went to was full of tourists, I found a leek seafood restaurant opposite Datong Elementary School when I walked out. The taste was very homely and Xiamen. I tried it with the attitude of trying it out. The result was an unexpected surprise. The restaurant is called Yiwei Restaurant. It seems that it has just opened. The walls, tables and chairs are very new, clean and comfortable. The boss and the chef are from southern Fujian, which is one of the reasons we chose this store. Because it is a friend of the banquet, the seafood is indispensable. Tong'an fried crabs are the first to bear the brunt. The cream crabs are half-cut and fried to golden, and the crab meat cream is tender and the aroma is fragrant. The steamed tiger spots present the original flavor of the fish. The fish meat is slippery and the taste is sticky. It is really fresh. Signature boiled duck - spicy and fragrant soup head will cook a variety of ducks, duck, lean meat, cauliflower and other ingredients or crispy or tender or powdered, different tastes with this spicy juice are very good. The soy sauce water square fish is the authentic Xiamen flavor, and the way the soy sauce water is eaten is full of memories. Fangyu is not only tender to the fish, but also breaks it with a little force. Its liver is also pink and tender, and it is delicious. When I was a child, I was very pickled with this fragrant pork liver, crispy and tender, and the sauce was also very good. Frying sines is right, this is itself cartilage sines after wrapping powder fried, really good, and fish meat is also the entrance. Other yellow pepper sauce steamed salmon, home bean sprouts, abalone, field chicken also made full of flavor, whether it is tourists and locals, I think I will like it. By the way, this wolfberry leaf gravy soup must be tried, Xiamen summer is coming, this refreshing soup head is very heat relief oh. Many shops on Xiamen Road have changed their taste after doing tourist business. This new store can be added to my good food store. After reading so many dishes, do you think his family's practices are authentic? 🏡 Yiwei Restaurant 📍 Xiamen Kaiyuan Street No. 244 Xiamen Food Exploration Store #Xiamen Food Exploration Store #Xiamen Exploration Store