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42Koshary Abou Tarek

#9 of Local Restaurants in Cairo
46 Reviews
敏敏剑仙[Knowing the taste list | Cairo | Egypt's national food "Bitter Shari", this old store in Cairo is a must] Koshary (Bitter Shari) is Egyptian national affordable food, so Bitter Shari's stores are countless in Egypt, after eating several cities in Egypt, they still like the taste of Cairo the most. And this is the best one I found in Cairo. ~ Their home is called "only this one, no branch" and the business is booming. What if the business is too good? Increase the building expansion; Decades have passed, and finally it has become a building (Figure 9) ~ The whole building is only sold, one food is Egyptian national affordable food Kusari~✨ Labels: Cairo, main city, old store, koshary (Kusari), delicious, Cheap price--what is bitter salari--Egyptian people cook the local version of Egyptian pasta, macaroni, rice, mix it together when eating, and then spread the soul of fried dry onion, with lentils and boiled tomato sauce, Finally, I drizzled in garlic vinegar. I can eat spicy food and it can be served with chili sauce. It is composed of bitter Shari ~, which is not good but unexpectedly delicious. The reason why it is a national affordable food in Egypt is that there is no meat, and the main body is basically a staple food, so the price is cheap. The general price range is 10 to 20 EB, this store is small 11 EB, large 15 EB, special 18 EB (plus chickpeas)~------- Eat it --------- According to practice, their home is better than other homes, mainly there are the following points: 🌟 real-price tomato sauce, the flavor is very natural, It is completely different from supermarket ketchup, and it is also different from those who do not make good savoury; 🌟 no garlic flavor and refreshing exclusive garlic vinegar; 🌟 Egyptian version of pasta, macaroni, rice is suitable for matching, good taste; Bitter Shari basically has two ways to eat, there is always a shortcoming in the ordinary store: First, ✨ while eating and mixing ✨, always mix in a lot of ingredients, and make Bitter Shari aroma and taste full, but after half of the food, the remaining ingredients are not enough. Time and moisture make the noodles and macaroni bloat and soften, and the second half of the bowl is not very delicious~ Second, ✨ add pepper and garlic vinegar and mix it all together ✨, which makes up for the previous problem, but the ingredients are always a little too little to say, the taste is also flat~ 🌟🌟🌟 and this special version, In addition to adding chickpeas, various ingredients are also a lot more, and tomato sauce is installed in the cup according to the taste of the self-pour, make up for the shortcomings of the ordinary version, no matter how you eat it is the same delicious, then mixed into peppers, drizzled with garlic vinegar that has no garlic flavor, no doubt, It is the best bitter Shari restaurant in Cairo~✨ Their home is the most restaurant to go to when traveling in Cairo. A bowl of rice pudding under the heat is also excellent. Be sure to order ~