Best Restaurants in June in Pu'er (Updated 2024)

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28Afu Beef

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US$6Yunnan Cuisine
十七的旅行日记Pu'er 9 County 1 District, surrounded by 14 ethnic groups, the delicious taste of various ethnic minorities is a school and blends with each other, like a small food paradise! Living in Pu'erdi 🔟 Tian✌️ Share the following absolutely recommended treasure gourmet shops: ✔️ Afu Beef Hotel is opened in its own single-family yard, cost-effective, really, very, high! ! ! Niu rotten stew, steak, fried chest stew, old milk potato...can't stop eating! 💰 per capita: 40✔️ Shenji stinky tofu boiled fish Yunnan people really eat stinky tofu! Stinky tofu and small mandarin fish cooked together, the soup is sour and stinky, delicious to the top! His signboard also has a heart tube, the heart tube is crispy, the juice is too fragrant, there are many other barbecue skewers, close your eyes! 💰 per capita: 50✔️ Arxian Sour Chicken Feet This snack bar can almost eat all local special cold products: stewed chicken feet, lemon spicy chicken hamstring, dried bamboo shoots... various peppers mixed with fruit, drinks must eat longan water, full of a cup of longan meat, is the water bubbled from fresh pulp ~💰 per capita: 20✔️ Planting flowers are hidden in an old house in the city center for more than 100 years. The photos are absolutely beautiful and the things are delicious. It is recommended to catch fish and rice noodles 🍜 and desserts 🍮 Remember to book a location in advance 💰 per capita: 70✔️ True Yangji Pu'er sour vinegar rice noodles. His rice noodles soup base is really good. Rice noodles are also delicious! Generally, a small bowl of food is enough, the amount is too sufficient 💰 per capita: 10✔️ Laqi Ma Hulu Courtyard, their hand-caught rice is a must, the queue is large enough, suitable for many people to eat, it is recommended to eat at night, and then eat full meal to the tea horse ancient city night market next door. Dancing around the bonfire with locals 💰 per capita: 70✔️ Zhang Jidou Tommy Dry peanut soup and thin bean powder soup poured on the rice dry, and then a spoonful of the boss's secret chili oil, it is really delicious to the word poor! 💰 per capita: 20☕ Some good coffee shops ✅ Message Coffee ✅ Multi-coffee ✅ Judian Coffee ✅ 28 Coffee Boiler Room ✅ Xiaocaozi Coffee Manor ❤️ I am 17, share niche travel | Travel story | Photography | Growth | Unregular travel life Live 📝 Welcome to the little cute message interaction #find food in tourism #travel food #special food #local food to eat #food exploration