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2The Kittens Koffie Arts 'n Eats

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Shirley ZhuBangkok Visitors, the cat cafes that don't take the usual road, Bangkok and even the entire Thai cafe culture is prevalent, and there is a cat cafe that is very popular on ins near the Ampawa Floating Market. Not the kind of domestic cats that raise a few comets in the cafe, selling cute to guests every day; but there is a stray cat rescue center here, and then this cafe. There are no cats in the cafe itself, only a variety of funny cat elements. If you like cats, you can visit the rescue center next door. The decoration in the store is not as cute as expected, or the style and texture are both full of style. The cafe is hidden in the deep alley, the niche is not lonely, the fame is not vulgar. The guests are all locals, we are the only tourists, enough to enjoy a quiet afternoon tea time with friends. Whether it is hot coffee or ice milkshake, the cafe is great, looking at the whole of Thailand, it seems that there are very few cases where drinks are unpalatable. The desserts here are very, very beautiful, strawberry honey toast has no dead ends in 360 degrees, and there is a delicious food that matches the value of the face. In addition to dessert drinks, there are also some snacks such as fried chicken spring rolls, enough to kill half a day. And no matter what, the taste is excellent. If this quality is in downtown Bangkok, it is estimated that the business will be good enough! We are still relishing this house until the end of the trip.