Best Restaurants in June in Tongren (Updated 2024)

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8Kuaihuolinsuan Soup Fish

2 Reviews
US$12Hot Pot
IamisI tasted all kinds of delicious food and was very satisfied. The hot fried cold mix is a small pan-mounted plate, all with handles, some handles are facing up, it is very convenient to pick up. [Environment] Tongren is a restaurant that ranks very high. It is booked in advance. The table at the big table is not very big, and the space for dishes is slightly limited. [Service] The service is very good, and I will ask if I need to experience the "alpine flowing water", 38 yuan, and we declined. [Taste] "Happy Lin Sour Soup Fish (Jiangyin Yellow Fish)" must eat in this store. The fish is very big and the fish is tender. I chose white sour soup, which is more suitable for taste. The first time I ate the cold noodles in the happy forest, it was delicious. The "Miaojia potato dumplings" was very popular and a must-order specialty. I didn't eat the "Lijiang roll powder", it seems that another name is cute multi rolls. "Brown Sugar" Guizhou fern dishes are many, this is known to everyone. "Happy forest roast banana" after dinner dessert type, everyone also like. "Happy forest fried prawns" a plate of about 6, good. "Fresh hairy belly" hairy belly ordered two plates, the price here is really cheap. "Miaojia soaked radish" belongs to the good product of greasy and spicy. "Yellow throat" is also an affordable dish. "Shrimp slip" is not small, you need to get it yourself in the pot. The characteristics of Guiyang tofu balls in Guizhou have finally been tasted. The taste is very special, the inside is soft and the outside is crisp. The "joyful rice tofu" rice tofu itself has no taste, relying on the seasoning outside. "Freshly squeezed mango juice" is not recommended, watermelon juice is OK. "Handmade original ice powder" to Guizhou to eat the first meal of ice powder, everyone feels not very suitable for taste.