Best Restaurants in June in Yulong (Updated 2024)

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18 Reviews
AU$40Yunnan Cuisine
HelenWangIt is no exaggeration to say that Qingxuan gave me the most comfortable experience. I feel that every step inside is a story, and every item is not placed at will. I have a feeling of wanting to explore all the time inside. I am used to the bustling city, and I will definitely have a different kind of sentiment for this village under the Yulong Snow Mountain... Wumo Qingxuan Art Hotel continues Mr. Zhao Qing's consistent architectural style. The overall building is composed of blue stone red bricks and large-scale steel structure glass. There are three floors and a total of 10 rooms. This time I came to take my mother to check in for afternoon tea. The reason for not living here was that I took the baby to travel. Every display in Qingyi has a big head. I am really afraid that it will be troublesome to bring the baby to break it. There are well-preserved Taihu Stones in the hotel. The true calligraphy of Wang Qian's king, Liu Gongquan's book extension... The precious items are countless, especially like to listen to the narrator introduce the history of each item and the story behind it, really harvest a lot! Talk about afternoon tea: it’s really great value, 100 ~ 150 yuan per capita, two or three people eat just right, I packed a lot with my mother, nuts, snacks, cakes and fruits are a lot, very fresh, but two people can’t eat so much, three people drink some soaked wine, chatting is really a good choice, And I can see so many treasures that are really great value. I must stay here for two days next time.😄