
Papenoo Review

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最接近天堂的地方——大溪地必打卡大溪地一向是公认的美丽,连他们自己本地的居民都称自己是“上帝的人”,可见在这样天堂一样的地方幸福感多高了,身处在亚热带,这里的自然景色很有特色,今天我们就来盘点一下大溪地的必打卡的自然景观。美丽的伦吉拉环礁伦吉拉环礁算是在南太平洋上南太平洋上第三大的环礁了。一般有环礁的地方,水产也很丰富,不仅仅有憨态可掬的咸水鱼、高冷的海鬼等等,岸上的餐厅也提供丰富的水产,让人大饱眼福和口福。这里盛产珍珠,像我这种不经常买珍珠的人,真的是第一次见那么多种类的珍珠,尤其是黑珍珠,颜色醇厚,有很通透,一般的女孩子真的没办法抵抗这种程度的诱惑,果断剁手,持续吃土。建议游玩时长:3~5小时门票 无幽静的法卢迈瀑布群法卢迈瀑布群在大溪地的东北角,它主要由三个瀑布组成,分别为Vaimahutu、Haamarere Iti和Haamarere Rahi。Vaimahutu是最高的一处,我们到了这里的停车场后下车,穿过一片树林后到达。建议要穿登山鞋,不然不太容易攀登。要到另外两个瀑布,大概也要步行20分钟。可以带上泳衣和毛巾,在瀑布下尽情沐浴,瞬间就神清气爽。这里的瀑布不像中国的瀑布那么壮观,一发不可收拾,而是有一种小桥流水的感觉,像是挂在山体上一样。建议游玩时长1~2小时门票:免费壮阔的塔拉瓦奥高原这里是大溪地的农牧业中心,但是与旅游业结合得很好,并不是我们想象的那种密集型的农牧业,恰恰相反,我们甚至还能从牛羊缓慢咀嚼的动作中,感觉到它们是舒适的,悠闲的。这里还有一个大型的观景台,通过这里,我们可以俯瞰整个半岛,来的时候刚好是鲜花烂漫的季节,色彩在这里争奇斗艳,就像是一幅浓墨重彩的油画,让人感觉不虚此行。建议游玩时长5~7小时门票 无悠长的帕佩诺帕佩诺据说是一个冲浪者的圣地,但是,还是交给有技术的人来试试吧,水流湍急之下,我不管保证自己会怎么样。那就来说说这条塔西提岛最长的河沿途的景色吧,无疑,水是生命之源,虽然这里本身气候就很好,但是被帕佩诺滋养的周边植物仿佛要更绿一点、也会更茂盛一点,当然了,这么长的河我是不会选择徒步去游览的,不能重浪我还是可以选择划船的。怂了点,但是我开心。建议游玩时长5~6小时门票 无小众的Mahana公园Mahana公园地处Toaroto海滩西面,是个非常适合用于亲子玩耍的海边公园,通常人们会选择在这里进行踢球或者休憩。公园里面的白色沙滩非常漂亮衬得海水特别的蓝,因为海水能见度较高,所以同时也是潜水的好地方。这里的知名度不是很高,所以大家不用担心漂亮的沙滩上会挤满了肉体,或者有很多垃圾,可以尽情享受身处海边的浪漫与悠闲,当然一如既往的,记得要防晒。建议游玩时长5~7小时门票 无人终究还是向往自然的,在大溪地的美景的熏陶下,就像回到了童年的感觉一样,在身心疲惫的时候来这里真是一种享受。欢迎在下方评论区分享你的感受,分享你对大溪地的喜爱。


Posted: Mar 2, 2019
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  • 沈亮s
    Original Text

    Must go, definitely not in vain! So beautiful! When will I have time to see and feel it? I will definitely go again next time.

    Posted: Nov 12, 2016
  • 华彩乐章
    Original Text

    Tahiti can let people enjoy the sea and the plateau beauty of the classic is the sea here, friends will tell me. There are various coral reefs there; there is the pleasure of swimming in the sea; Whether it is snorkeling or the game by the sea, it is always memorable. 1. Walking through the corals Lengira Atoll is a sea of corals, where corals give the sea a better life. In the blue sea, the green corals look so beautiful. People walk through these corals like tropical fishes coming to the sea. The terraces in the sea make people feel the wonderful mood that the sea brings to people at this moment. If you're lucky, you can still see the real tropical fish around people. When you reach out, the small fish will pass through people's fingers. Tickets: Free Open Hours: All Day 2. Hidden in the seaside forest - Taravao Town is a seaside town, boats take us happily through the seaside. Maybe people can't find the location of the town. Only when the boats approached the sea could one see a white and red in the green trees, which were different from the colors of the forest, and that was where the town was located. The sea in front of the town is also very beautiful, the transparent sea is slightly blue, and the white sand under the blue is clear. The untidy surface of the sand gives another beauty. Tips: Tickets: Free Open Hours: All Day 3. Plain by the Sea - Taravao Plateau Taravao Plateau is a plain by the sea. Walking there under the grass gives people the feeling of walking on the green carpet, the comfort that only people who have been here know. Standing on the plateau, flocks of cattle quietly enjoy the food from nature. The cute little animals can be said to be a beautiful landscape. The white and coffee colors that move in the green are more beautiful and moving. Tips: Tickets: Free Opening Hours: 4. Thousand Line Falls throughout the day - Papeano actually uses Thousand Line Falls to describe Papeano, which is a little exaggerated. But the waterfall here is the most amazing scenery I have ever seen. Several waterfalls poured down the mountain from the mountain, although the water on the waterfall was like an irregular white line on the mountain. But the whole scenery still made people feel its beauty. There is also an interesting cave. The cave is not very big or deep. But from the side of the cave you can see directly across. The sunlight that reflects from the other side. It makes people feel that the cave has magical power. Tickets: Free Opening Hours: 5. Wonderful seaside park - Mahana Park is actually a beach. But this beach is very strange, I circled the park around. I didn't find the beach here at the beginning. A half-man-high wall at the sea-connected part of the beach stripped out. The wall was built on a tall little mound, and I walked on the sidewalk. I could always hear laughter coming into my ears and I couldn't find the source of the sound. The stairs next to a small mound caught my attention, and I walked up the stairs to find that laughter was coming from that seaside. Tickets: Free Opening hours: All kinds of joy brought to me by the seaside of Tahiti throughout the day, I want to share with you. If you look at the sea, Tahiti is a place we cannot give up. It has its own independent beauty, no matter what season or weather, only those who have been there will know.

    Posted: Jun 7, 2019