Photos of Souk Madinat Jumeirah

Located on Jumeirah Beach near the Burj Al Arab, the Old Jumeirah is a building complex designed according to the ancient Arabian city. Here, buildings of different heights and shapes are interspersed and combined flexibly and skillfully. The clear and green waterways are combined with the traditional buildings of earthy yellow, showing a strong Arabian style. Jumeirah Palace Hotel In addition, there are three magnificent boutique hotels in the ancient city, Jumeirah Palace (AlQasr) and Jumeirah Palace (MinaA'Salam) and Jumeirah Palace (DarAlMasyaf) 29 traditional summer houses, 7 Jumeirah The Royal Villa (Malakiya), more than 40 restaurants and bars, meeting and banquet facilities, including 2 grand ballrooms, a 1,000-seat theater and the only professional entertainment center in the region, multi-purpose venues and the Castle Theater. The facilities are interconnected by 3 km of canals and gardens. Traveling through the ancient city to the ancient city, you can visit the local market with its own characteristics, and the market is full of various Arabian-style handicrafts. You can also sit in a restaurant or bar by the canal and enjoy a meal of traditional local Arabic cuisine. Or experience an ABBRA boat, rafting on the canal, and enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river. Of course, you can walk through the ancient city at will, walk over those small bridges, admire the ancient buildings, and take a group photo of the old and new buildings with the sailing hotel in the distance as the background.

Reviews on Souk Madinat Jumeirah

20230222下午:1、“朱美拉古城”是迪拜市富人区里的著名高端集市,倚靠波斯湾,是距离迪拜著名的地标建筑、7星级“帆船酒店”最近的集市,集逛街、餐饮、赏景于一体的休闲之地,有着拍照帆船酒店的绝佳位置。其英文名是Souk Madinat Jumeirah,也常被翻译成“朱美拉古堡”、“ 朱美拉古堡集市”、“朱美拉露天集市”等。免费进入。①地址:阿联酋迪拜市Jumeira街(帆船酒店南侧步行不远)。②交通:公交直达,开车不太好停。③旺季:无。④用时:1小时。2、市场的建筑外形是一座古堡,建于现代,进入古堡前要过桥,桥下流水潺潺,类似古代的护城河,为古堡披上了一层悠久古老的面纱,古堡前的喷泉又增添了西式庄园的神韵,不少豪车围绕着喷泉接送人后驶过。进入古堡右拐一直走可以到达室外的阳台区,在不进帆船酒店的情况下,这里能拍到酒店最好靓照:土黄的古建筑、湛蓝的小河、高耸的棕榈树、小桥(造型挺奇特)、遮阳篷、游客用餐情景与帆船酒店同框,令照片显得很饱和。古堡被内部的人工河道和棕榈林包裹,河上偶有游船试过,让古堡成为沿河小憩、品味下午茶的好去处。3、古堡内的商铺种类繁多、琳琅满目,除了上午在“迪拜黄金市场”看到的彩色小吊灯、阿拉伯神灯等传统装饰品外,仿制古董、荧光T恤、放大版饰品、动物头塑像挂饰、阿拉伯毛毯等特色商品种类繁多,国内商场里看不到,但网上都有卖,不建议在当地买。我穿着从国内网上27元买的阿拉伯白袍招摇过市,还特地留了一周胡子,很扎眼,有个店铺售货员还特地把同事叫出来看我,看来亚洲人再怎么打扮都能被认出来。4、古堡顶部的装潢也很细致,异域风格的彩绘贴满头顶,时间充裕的话尽量放慢脚步,细细品味以免漏掉各种小景观。另外,男女厕所是分开的,分列商店入口的左右两侧。附:阿联酋旅游贴士①货币:汇率上,美元/阿联酋迪拉姆/人民币=100/370/700(只是大约数值,每天会有变动),建议在国内换出美金或迪拉姆,因为迪拜机场的盈利性兑换点的兑换折损太大,去当地拿人民币换迪拉姆会巨亏。②购物:正规商场都有可直接刷国内银联卡,央行会直接算好汇率扣除对应人民币的金额。但小商铺不一定能刷银联卡。③物价:很贵,相对来说超市和快餐只比国内贵一倍,相对最能接受。④交通:出租贵,公交相对便宜,公交上会分男、女区域;自驾时停车要小心,违章罚款很疼,停车费较贵。

Attractions Near Souk Madinat Jumeirah

Abra station
Abra station
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Boat Tours
Madinat Theatre / First Group Theatre
Madinat Theatre / First Group Theatre
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theater theaterTheaters
Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project
Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project
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Restaurants Near Souk Madinat Jumeirah

Pai Thai
Pai Thai
4.4/514 Reviews
Southeast Asian
4.5/519 Reviews
5/55 Reviews

Hotels Near Souk Madinat Jumeirah

Jumeirah Dar Al Masyaf
Jumeirah Dar Al Masyaf
4.6/580 Reviews
Jumeirah Mina A'Salam
Jumeirah Mina A'Salam
4.7/5100 Reviews
Jumeirah Al Qasr
Jumeirah Al Qasr
4.8/573 Reviews